Illinois Flexible Learning Experience (IFLEX)

New Classrooms for New Ways of Teaching

Illinois Flexible Learning Experience —IFLEX classrooms—are located all across campus and new spaces come online every year. One example is the Innovation Classroom in room 182 of the Armory Building.

Armory Room 182 – iFlex Innovation Classroom

IFLEX classrooms feature flexible group seating to encourage small group discussions, multiple writing surfaces to support creative thinking, and enhanced audio-visual technologies to support content creation and sharing. New research suggests that these kinds of peer-to-peer interactions in tech-enhanced classrooms can improve retention and increase satisfaction among students. Which one will you choose?

Learn more about IFLEX classrooms on campus
Apply to teach in an IFLEX classroom
Support for IFLEX interactive teaching strategies

CITL and The IFLEX Classroom Initiative

In accordance with the Next 150 Strategic Plan, specifically Goal 2: Transformative Learning Experiences, CITL is committed to supporting transformative teaching and learning experiences through the IFLEX Classroom Initiative by focusing on state-of-the-art classrooms and classroom learning experiences that augment diverse teaching strategies and active engagement in the classroom. Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Kevin Pitts, describes the importance of creating new kinds of classrooms to meet the changing needs of our students. “As we learn more about how to make them active learners…IFLEX classrooms are extremely important to how we educate our students.”

Join the IFLEX Community

From helping faculty develop new strategies for teaching, to helping campus develop new classrooms, CITL works collaboratively with colleges and departments to reimagine teaching and learning through our IFLEX programs and services, including:

  • Intensive programs, workshops, and lunch-hour learning sessions that let faculty experience the IFLEX classroom while exploring interactive learning activities and classroom technologies. (+link to CITL calendar)
  • Digital resources like the IFLEX website, teaching blog, and vignettes of exemplary IFLEX faculty.
  • Campus-wide Reimagining the Classroom Symposium highlighting IFLEX classrooms and teaching innovations on this campus.