Keep Your Zoom Meetings Secure

 If you are working remotely, Zoom has probably become a useful communication tool for you. By now you are aware that you must use a personal password and two-factor authentication (2FA) to log in to your university Zoom account. Recently, a third layer of protection was added that requires you to sign in with Single Sign-On (SSO). (To review the sign in process, visit this page for information.)

In addition to secure sign-in, there is one very easy thing you can do, or rather, NOT do, to protect your Zoom meetings: DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT SETTING THAT RESTRICTS ACCESS TO ONLY AUTHENTICATED USERS.

By default, users must be logged in to a Zoom account to gain access to your meeting. If users attempt to join your meeting and are not signed into, they will receive an error message. This will help prevent meeting interruptions and keep unauthorized participants out of your meeting. Asking your meeting attendees to sign up for a free Zoom account, if necessary, is an easy step to keep your meeting safe.To view the default settings on your account, visit this page.Stay safe, stay secure. Contact with questions or feedback. -Technology Services Privacy and Security Team